Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Ver 3.3 - Visor Electronics

Ok, a couple of changes!

After installing the orbital hinges, I have decided to go with my original 3-bar system for ease of installation and stability. One of the things I borrowed from the orbital designs is the use of Chicago screws which increase the ease of installation and maintenance. Another thing added is the use of Lock-Tite to keep the posts from backing off inadvertantly.

Note, this is the beater helmet and I didn't take the time to install the eye LED arrays as they are not intended for this brain bucket.

The Firgelli linear actuators are designed for precision and longevity, not so much for blinding speed. So while the movie visor speed is not matched, the safety to the user and peace of mind requirements are more than met.

Firgelli / Hyperdyne system in action:

Visor ride height at top of open position: